plication shall be in accordance with the ap-
fitting boxes conforming to PPP-B-621, class
pendix of the applicable box specification.
2, or box cleated plywood PPP-B-601 over-
b. Level B. Each power supply packaged
seas type.
Place the technical literature,
as specified in a above, except that the nailed
on top of the packaged unit directly under
wood box shall conform to PPP-B-621, class
the lid of the container.
1 or PPP-B-601 class domestic.
(2) Closure shall be in accordance with
c. Level C. Each power supply shall be
the applicable container specification or ap-
packed in shipping containers in a manner
pendix thereto.
that will afford adequate protection against
damage to the package and its contents dur-
(3) Metal strapping, conforming to QQ-
ing shipment from the supply source to the first
S-781, type 1, class B, shall be applied to
receiving activity. Shipping containers shall
wood and wood-cleated shipping containers in
comply with the rules and regulations of the
accordance with the requirements of the ap-
common carrier as applicable to the mode of
plicable box specification or appendix thereto.
Fiberboard shipping containers shall be rein-
forced by pressure-sensitive filament tape band-
3. Inspection, Inspection of military pack-
ing, or nonmetallic strapping conforming to
aging shall be in accordance with MIL-P-1 16.
PPP-T-97, type IV, and PPP-S-760, type II,
respectively; selection of the material and ap-
c. Defect. Any nonconformance of the unit
1. Index Number. The four-digit index num-
of product with specified requirements.
ber of this storage quality assurance provision
(SQAP) (reserved for future use in automatic
d. Defective Unit. A unit of product which
data processing) is to be assigned.
contains one or more defects.
e. Critical Defect. A defect that judgment
and experience indicate is likely to result
2. Federal Stock Number. Each item listed
in hazardous or unsafe conditions for individ-
in appendix B, with its Federal stock number,
uals using, maintaining, or depending on the
is subject to the provisions of this SQAP.
product performance of the tactical function
of a major end item, such as a ship, aircraft
3. Definitions. Special terms used in this
tank, missile, or space vehicle.
SQAP are defined as follows:
f. Major Defect. A defect other than crit-
a. Acceptance Quality Level (AQL). The
ical that could result in failure, or materially
nominal value expressed in terms of percent
reduce the usability of the product for its
defective, or defects per 100 units, whichever
intended purpose.
is applicable, specified for a given group of
g. Minor Defect. A defect that does not
defects of a product. It is the maximum allow-
materially reduce the usability of the unit
able accidental departure from specification
of product for its intended purpose, or is a
requirements which can be tolerated.
departure from established standards having
b. Storage Quality Level (SQL). That
little bearing on the effective use or operation
quality level applicable to storage sampling
of the unit.
inspection expressed in terms of percent de-
h. Mechanical-Visual Inspectio n. An in-
fective, or defects per 100 units, whichever
spection by visual means to observe the item
is applicable, specified for a given group of
and /or its packaging and packing to detect
defects of a product. It is the maximum
deficiencies. Mechanical-visual inspection may
allowable accidental departure from specifica-
require disassembly.
tion requirements which can be tolerated.