TM 11-5820-921-40-1
1-55. Demolition procedures such as breaking, hammering, or smashing this unit with a sledgehammer or
some other heavy object may be dangerous to personnel unless power amplifier tubes 1Al4V1 and V2
(Y-62 l-B) have been removed from the unit. If time permits perform the following procedure.
1. Disconnect all cables and destroy their connectors by hammering them with a heavy object, i.e.,
sledge hammer, pick axe, or any other available tool.
2. Remove the power amplifier cover and remove the two power amplifier tubes. Then destroy all
printed circuit boards and subassemblies by hammering them with a heavy object.
3. Make sure that the coil assembly is broken or smashed. Take the two power amplifier tubes with
you in a safe container when abandoning the power amplifier unit.
4. If time is of the essence and the above steps can not be accomplished, destroy the power amplifier
by using a demolition charge or small arms fire from a safe distance. Remember, breathing the dust or
fumes of beryllium oxide ceramics can kill.
1-21/(1-22 blank)