1-1. Scope
This manual lists basic issue items. items troop in-
ment supplied from the GSA/DSA or
stalled or authorized, repair parts, and special tools
Army supply system and authorized for
required by the crew/operator for operation and re-
use at indicated maintenance categories.
quired for the performance of organizational, direct
P2-- Repair parts, special tools and test equip-
support, general support, and depot maintenance of
ment which are procured and stocked for
the CN-16/U, CN-16A/U, and CN-16B/U. The PCCN
for the CH-16/U, CN-16A/U, and CN-16B/U is
military essentiality of the end item dic-
GTEAAD for all models.
tates that a minimum quantity be avail-
able in the supply system.
1-2. General
P9-- Assigned to items which are NSA design con-
This basic issue items. items troop installed or au-
trolled: unique repair parts. special tools,
thorized, repair parts, and special tools list is divided
test, measuring, and diagnostic equipment
into the following sections--
which are stocked and supplied by the
a. Basic Issue Items List-Section II. Not appli-
Army COMSEC Logistic System and which
are not subject to the provisions of AR 380-
b. Items Troop Installed or Authorizd List--Sec-
tion III. Not applicable.
P10-- Assigned to items which are NSA design con-
c. Prescribed Load Allowance (PLA )--Section IV.
trolled: special tools, test, measuring, and
Not applicable.
diagnostic equipment for COMSEC sup-
port which are accountable under the pro-
parts authorized for the performance of maintenance
visions of AR 380-41 and which are stocked
at the organizational level. This repair parts list is
and supplied by the Army COMSEC Logis-
arranged in alphabetical order.
tic System.
e. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment --
Repair parts, special tools and test equip-
Section VI. Not applicable.
ment which are not procured or stocked as
such in the supply system but are to be
parts authorized for the performance of mainte-
manufactured at indicated maintenance
nance at the direct support general support and
depot level.
Assemblies which are not procured or stock-
g. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment-
ed as such but are made up of two or more
Section VIII. Not applicable.
units. Such component units carry individ-
h. Index--Federal Stock Number and Reference
ual stock numbers and descriptions. are
Number Cross-Reference to Figure and Item Num-
procured and stocked separately, and can
be assembled to form the required assem-
quence, of all Federal stock numbers appearing in
bly at indicated maintenance categories.
the listings. followed by a list, in alphameric se-
Parts and assemblies that are not procured
quence. of all reference numbers appearing in the
or stocked because the failure rate is nor-
listings. Federal stock number and reference num-
mally below that of the applicable end
bers are cross-referenced to each illustration figure
item or component. The failure of such
and item number or reference designation appear-
part or assembly should result in retire-
ment of the end item from the supply sys-
1-3. Explanation of Columns
X1-- Repair parts which are not procured or stock-
The following provides an explanation of columns
ed. The requirement for such items will be
found in the tabular list.
filled by the next higher assembly or com-
a. Source. Maintenance and Recoverability Codes
X2-- Repair parts, special tools and test quip-
(1) Source code. Indicates the source for the listed
ment which are not stocked and have no
items. Source codes are --
foreseen mortality. The indicated mainte-
nance category requiring such repair
Repair parts, special tools and test equip-