TM 11-6130-243-12-1
Section I.
as a basis of issue (e.g., ea, pr, ft, yd, etc)
B-1. General
is noted in this column.
This appendix lists items for Power Supply
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit Pack, Col-
PP-4606A/G, the component items comprising
umn 5. Not used.
it, and the items which accompany it, or are
f. Quantity Incorporated in Unit, Column 6.
required for installation, operation, or oper-
The total quantity of the item used in the
ator's maintenance.
equipment is given in this column.
g. Quantity Authorized, Column 7. The total
B-2. Explanation of Columns
quantity of an item required to be on hand
An explanation of the columns in section II
and necessary for the operation and mainte-
nance of the equipment is given in this column.
is given below.
h. Illustration, Column 8.
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability
(1) Figure number, column 8a. Not used.
Codes, Column 1. Not used.
(2) Item or symbol number, column 8b.
Note. When no code is indicated in the mcover-
This column lists the reference
ability column, the part will be considered expenda-
symbols used for identification of the
b. Federal Stock Number, Column 2. T h e
Federal stock number for the item is indicated
in this column.
B-3. Federal Supply Codes
c. Description, Column 3. The Federal item
This paragraph lists. the Federal supply code
name, a five-digit manufacturer's code, and a
with the associated manufacturer's name.
part number are included in this column.
d. Unit of Issue, Column 4. The unit used
96906 ---- Military Standards