TM 11-6130-247-14-1
fication work orders applicable to this equipment
7-1. Applicability of Depot Overhaul Stand-
before making tests specified, DA Pam S10-7
lists all available MWO's.
Tests outlined in this chapter are designed to
measure the performance capability of a required
7-3. Test Facilities Required
equipment. Equipment that is to be returned to
stock should meet standards given in these tests.
Items required for depot testing are the same as
7-2. Applicable References
a. Repair Standards. Applicable procedures
7-4. Tests
of depots which perform these tests, and the gen-
The depot overhaul standards test procedures are
eral standards for repaired electronic equipment
the same as those given for genera] support
given in TB SIG 355-1, TB SIG 355-2, and TB
SIG 355-3 form apart of requirements for test-
performance standards stated in these tests will
ing this equipment.
furnish satisfactory operation equivalent to that
of new equipment.
b. Modification Work Orders. Perform all modi-