are indicated by NX.
Parts for Maintenance
items are not annotated.
When this equipment is used by signal serv-
(7) Quantity incorporated in unit. This
ice organizations organic to theater headquar-
column lists the quantity of each part
ters or communication zones to provide thea-
found in a given assembly, compo-
nent, or equipment.
ized up to and including general support are
(8) Organizational. An asterisk (*) indi-
authorized for stockage by the organization
cates that an item is not authorized
operating this equipment.
for stockage but if required, may be
A4-3. Requisitioning Information
requisitioned for immediate use only.
a. The allowance factors are based on 100
(9) Direct support. No parts authorized
equipments. In order to determine the num-
for stockage.
ber of parts authorized for initial stockage
(10) General support. The numbers in
for the specific number of equipments sup-
this column indicate quantities of
ported, the following formula will be used and
repair parts authorized for initial
carried out to two decimal places.
stockage for use in general support
Specific number of equipments supported
T h e quantities are
based on 100 equipments to be main-
allowance factor
tained for a 15-day period.
(11) Depot.
The numbers in this col-
Number of parts authorized for initial stockage.
umn indicate quantities of repair
b. Fractional values obtained from above
parts authorized for depot mainte-
computation will be rounded to whole num-
nance and for initial stockage for
bers as follows:
maintenance, and for supply support
(1) When the total number of parts au-
to lower categories. The entries are
thorized is less than 0.5, the quan-
based on the quantity required for
tity authorized will be zero.
rebuild of 100 equipments.
(2) When the total number of parts au-
thorized is between 0.5 and 1.0, the
(12) Illustration. The "Item No." column
quantity authorized will be one.
lists the reference designations that
(3) For all values above one, fractional
appear on the part in the equipment.
values below 0.5 will revert to the
These same designations are also used
next higher whole number.
on any illustrations of the equipment.
c. The quantities determined in accordance
The numbers in the "Figure No." col-
with the above computation represent the ini-
umn refer to the illustrations where
tial stockage for a 15-day period.
the part is shown.