follower Q4 to the voltage of the positive out-
the output terminals. With S3 in the 30 VDC
position, the meter is connected in series with
put terminal. Amplifier Q2 controls the conduc-
R26 and across the output terminals. With S3
tance of regulator Q1 by varying the voltage ap-
plied to the base of Q1. Capacitor C6 and resis-
in the MA positions, the meter is connected in
series with resistors R24A, R24B, R24C, and/
tor R15 provide a negative ac feedback path
or R24D and in series with the negative out-
around amplifier Q3, to cancel any ac transient
power supply is increased with S3 in any MA
sponse. Resistor R9 isolates the emitters of Q2
and Q3 from the auxiliary power supply.
position. Switch S3 should be in one of the
h. Meter and S3 Circuit. METER RANGE
VDC positions for a minimum internal imped-
switch S3 is used to select the meter range to
ante at the output terminals. The meter is
indicate the output voltage or current. With
in series with variable resistor R25 in all posi-
tions of S3. Resistor R25 is used to calibrate
S3 in the 10 VDC position, the meter is con-
nected in series with resistor R27 and across
panel meter M1.