Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-55-1730-229-340025Section II. DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-55-1730-229-340026Figure 1-1. AGPU, Right Rear Three Quarter View - TM-55-1730-229-340027Figure 1-2. AGPU, Left Front Three Quarter ViewFigure 1-3. Engine, Generator, Hydraulic Pump and Exhaust EjectorFigure 1-4. Engine Air Intake SystemFigure 1-5. Hydraulic Module, Pump, Lines and HosesFigure 1-6. Propulsion SystemTABULATED DATA - TM-55-1730-229-340033Table 1-1. Tabulated Data - TM-55-1730-229-340034Tabulated Data - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340035Tabulated Data - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340036Tabulated Data - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340037Tabulated Data - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340038Tabulated Data - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340039Tabulated Data - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340040Table 1-2. Torque SpecificationsTable 1-2. Torque Specifications - continuedChapter 2. GENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection II. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-55-1730-229-340044Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - TM-55-1730-229-340045Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340046Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340047Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340048Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340049Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340050Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340051Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340052Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340053Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340054Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340055Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340056Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340057Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340058Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340059Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340060Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340061Table 4-2. Direct/General Support TroubleshootingTable 4-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340064Table 4-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340065Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - TM-55-1730-229-340067Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340068Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340069Table 2-2. Direct/General Support Troubleshooting - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340070PaintingGENERAL MAINTENANCE, ENGINE.Special Cleaning of Insulated ComponentsVisual Inspection - TM-55-1730-229-340074Dry-Film LubricationReplace Loose or Damaged Pins and Studs.Replace Loose, Worn, or Damaged Rosan Studs and Inserts.Section IV. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF MAJOR COMPONENTSFigure 2-1. Hydraulic Module Removal/InstallationInstallation - TM-55-1730-229-340080REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF EXHAUST EJECTOR.Figure 2-2. Exhaust Ejector Removal/InstallationFigure 2-3. Exhaust Ejector, Engine/Gearcase Drain Tubes Removal/InstallationFigure 2-4. Exhaust Ejector AccessFigure 2-5. Engine Installation (Outline View)Figure 2-6. Pneumatic Hoses/Lines Removal/InstallationRemoval.Figure 2-7. Fuel Line and Extension Tube Removal/InstallationFigure 2-8. Hydraulic Pump and Engine AccessFigure 2-9. Engine Wiring Harness and ConnectorFigure 2-10. Generator ConnectionsFigure 2-11. Engine/Generator MountsInstallation. - TM-55-1730-229-340093Installation - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340094Installation - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340095Chapter 3. MAINTENANCE OF FRAME AND HOUSINGFigure 3-1. Acoustic Insulation, Frame and Housing (sheet 1 of 3)ACCESS DOORSFigure 3-1. Acoustic Insulation, Frame and Housing (sheet 3 of 3)Figure 3-2. Roof AssemblyFIgure 3-3. Location of Access Doors, Rear and Right SideFigure 3-4. Control Panel Access Door AssemblyElectrical Trays and Battery Compartment Access Doors.Figure 3-5. Electrical Trays Access Door AssemblyFigure 3-6. Battery Compartment Access Door AssemblyFigure 3-7. Engine Access Door AssemblyFigure 3-8. Hydraulic Module Front P a n e l Assembly.Pneumatic Hose Access Door.Figure 3-10. Exhaust EjectorFigure 3-10A. Lockwire Threading, Exhaust ElectorFigure 3-10B. Lockwire Installed, Exhaust ElectorAIR INTAKE DUCT ASSEMBLY.Figure 3-11. Air Intake Duct AssemblyInstall. - TM-55-1730-229-340115Figure 3-12. Engine/Generator MountsChapter 4. MAINTENANCE OF DC ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SYSTEMChapter 5. MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRICAL POWER GENERATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMFigure 5-1. Generator Removal/InstallationChapter 6. MAINTENANCE OF FUEL SYSTEMFigure 6-1. Fuel Tank Removal (sheet 1 of 2) - TM-55-1730-229-340122Figure 6-1. Fuel Tank Removal (sheet 1 of 2) - TM-55-1730-229-340123Fuel Nozzle.Figure 6-2. Fuel NozzleCleanchater 7. MAINTENANCE OF IGNITION SYSTEMFigure 7-1. Brush Removal/ReplacementSTARTER ASSEMBLY - TM-55-1730-229-340129Chapter 8. MAINTENANCE OF HYDRAULIC SYSTEMHydraulic System Function - TM-55-1730-229-340132Figure 8-2. Hydraulic Module Major ComponentsFigure 8-3. Hydraulic Dual ManifoldHydraulic System Function - continuedFigure 8-4. Load Valve OperationSection II. MAINTENANCEFigure 8-5. Hydraulic Pump Removal/InstallationFigure 8-5A. Hydraulic Pump Torque ValuesMANIFOLD FRONT VALVES AND FITTINGSFigure 8-6. Hydraulic Manifold, Front Controls and ConnectorsInstall Valves and fittingsFigure 8-7. ReservoirRESERVOIRFILTER HEADS.Figure 8-8. Filter HeadsCHECK VALVES.Figure 8-9. Check Valves and Tube AssembliesMANIFOLD ASSEMBLY.Figure 8-10. Manifold AssemblyRETURN MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY.Figure. 8-10A, Solenoid Valve, Disassembly and ReassemblyFigure 8-11. Return Manifold AssemblyFRAME.Figure 8-12. Hydraulic Dual ManifoldInspect - TM-55-1730-229-340158Figure 8-13. Dual Manifold Test Set-UpDISASSEMBLY.Figure 8-14. Hydraulic Module ComponentsLEGEND TO FIGURE 8-14FIgure 8-15. Hydraulic Module PlumbingLEGEND TO FIGURE 8-15DISASSEMBLY - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340165DISASSEMBLY - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340166DISASSEMBLY - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340167DISASSEMBLY - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340168DISASSEMBLY - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340169Section IV. MODULE ASSEMBLYASSEMBLY - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340171ASSEMBLY - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340172ASSEMBLY - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340173ASSEMBLY - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340174ASSEMBLY - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340175ASSEMBLY - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340176ASSEMBLY - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340177ASSEMBLY - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340178ASSEMBLY - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340179ASSEMBLY - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340180Figure 8-17. Reservoir Selector Manifold Test SetupMANIFOLD ASSEMBLY PRESSURE TEST.HYDRAULIC MODULE PRESSURE TEST.FIgure 8-20. Hydraulic Module Test SetupHigh Pressure OperationChapter 9. MAINTENANCE OF ENGINEFigure 9-1. Engine Plumbing and Wiring Harness Installation, Front ViewFigure 9-2. Engine Plumbing and Wiring Harness Installation, Rear ViewFigure 9-3. Wiring Harness AssemblyACCESSORY ITEMS REMOVAL AND INSPECTIONFigure 9-4. Accessory ItemsTable 9-1. Electrical Assemblies Inspection/Check ProceduresTable 9-1. Electrical Assemblies Inspection/Check Procedures - continuedFigure 9-5. ControlsTable 9-2. Controls Inspection/Check ProceduresCOMBUSTION SECTION DISASSEMBLY, INSPECTION, AND REPAIR. - TM-55-1730-229-340198Figure 9-6. Combustion Section ComponentsTable 9-3. Combustion Section Components Inspection/Check ProceduresFigure 9-7. Inspection of Combustion ChamberFigure 9-8. Repair of Combustion Chamber (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 9-8. Repair of Combustion Chamber (sheet 2 of 2)COMBUSTION SECTION DISASSEMBLY, INSPECTION, AND REPAIR. - TM-55-1730-229-340204COMBUSTION SECTION DISASSEMBLY, INSPECTION, AND REPAIR.- continuedRepair Combustion Chamber Cap.COMPRESSOR INLET DUCTS DISASSEMBLY, INSPECTION AND REPAIR.Figure 9-9. Compressor Inlet Ducts and Hourmeter BracketTable 9-4. Compressor Inlet Ducts and Hourmeter Bracket Inspection/Cheek ProceduresFigure 9-11. Installation of Turbine Plenum PullerTable 9-5. Compressor and Turbine Assembly Inspection/Check ProceduresInspection and ChecksFigure 9-13. Inspection of Turbine Plenum AssemblyFigure 9-14. Inspection of Turbine Housing ScrollFigure 9-15. Inspection of Turbine NozzleRepair Turbine Plenum Assembly.Figure 9-16.Repair of Turbine Plenum AssemblyRepair Turbine Housing ScrollFigure 9-17. Repair of Turbine Housing ScrollSection II. ASSEMBLYHOT SECTION ASSEMBLY.Figure 9-18. Assembly of Compressor and TurbineCOMPRESSOR INLET DUCTS ASSEMBLY.Figure 9-19. Assembly of Compressor Inlet DuctsFigure 9-21. Installation of ControlsInstall Accessory ItemsFIgure 9-22. Installation of Accessory ItemsSection III. SCHEDULED 500 HOUR HOT SECTION INSPECTIONSection IV. SCHEDULED 1500 HOUR DETAILED HOT SECTION INSPECTIONFIgure 9-26. Inspection of Turbine RotorChapter 10. MAINTENANCE OF PROPULSION SYSTEMFigure 10-1. Propulsion SystemTraction Motor/Gear Drive.Figure 10-2. Front Axle/Tow Bar AssemblyFigure 10-3. Rear Axle AssemblyFigure 10-4. Traction Motor/Drive GearMotor ControllerFigure 10-6. Front Spring AssemblyBrake AssemblyDisassemblyFigure 10-7. Spindle and HubFigure 10-8. Front Axle AssemblyInspection and Repair. - TM-55-1730-229-340247Assembly - TM-55-1730-229-340248Install. - TM-55-1730-229-340249GEAR DRIVE ASSEMBLY.Figure 10-10. Gear Drive MountingFigure 10-11. Traction Motor, Gear Drive, and Chain Drive AssemblyCleaning.Assembly - TM-55-1730-229-340254Figure 10-12. Clutch AssemblyInspection and Repair. - TM-55-1730-229-340256Install. - TM-55-1730-229-340257REAR AXLE REPLACEMENT.Figure 10-13. Rear Axle ReplacementFigure 10-14. Rear Axle AssemblyInstall - TM-55-1730-229-340261Install Front SpringFigure 10-15. Front Axle and Spring AssemblyFigure 10-16. Rear Axle Housing and Spring AssemblyInstall Rear Spring AssemblyFigure 10-17. Traction Motor Brush ReplacementFigure 1018. Traction Motor MountingInstall. - TM-55-1730-229-340269Figure 10-19. Electric Brake - Removal and InstallationInstallation - TM-55-1730-229-340271Chapter 11. AGPU TEST AND INSPECTION AFTER REPAIR OR OVERHAULTable 11-1. Engine Operating LimitsTable 11-1. Engine Operating Limits - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340275Table 11-1. Engine Operating Limits - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340276Appendix A. REFERENCES - TM-55-1730-229-340277Appendix A. REFERENCES - continued - TM-55-1730-229-340278TM-55-1730-229-34 Power Unit Aviation Multi-Output GTED Electrical Hydraulic Pneumatic (AGPU) Wheel Mounted Self-Propelled Towable Manual