TM 55-4920-438-13&P
2-6. Other shop utilities.
In addition to electrical power the shop is provided with connections for compressed air and water.
a. Compressed air connection.
1. Remove protective dust cap (1) from air inlet
nipple (21 at the service utility panel (3). Store in shop
storage chest.
2. From storage chest remove a quick disconnect
coupling (4).
3. Install the quick disconnect coupling (4) on air
inlet nipple (21.
4. Tighten coupling (41 securely.
h. Water supply connection.
When water is to be supplied to shelter
proceed as follows.
1. Remove protective dust cap (5) from each end
of water feed thru connector (6).
2. Install adapters and fittings as required.
Reposition storage chest in mounting bracket when no longer required.
2-7. Checking shelter level. Once all equipment is in the recommended operational position recheck level ing of
shelter. Use procedures in TM 10-5411-201-14 to verify and adjust level. Correct adjustment is essential to ensure
proper operation of machine tools, doors and access panels.
The Power Train Shop is now operational.