TM 11-5820-921-40-1
1-14. The physical characteristics of the power amplifier are listed in table 1-1. The power amplifier
major assemblies and panel nomenclature are shown in figure 1-4.
1-15. The power amplifier is a single unit designed for vehicular and fixed installation. It is housed in a
rectangular, air-cooled, waterproof case, 7.875 in. (20.0 cm) high, 11.325 in. (28.77 cm) wide, and 16.5 in.
(41 .91 cm) long. The unit weighs 54.75 lbs (24.64 kg) and is supplied with a separate mount, equipped
with quick release clamps for fastening the power amplifier unit. Assemblies 1A1 through 1A6 are plug-in
printed wiring boards that are mounted in the card cage assembly and plugged into Interconnection PWB
Assembly 1A14A 1. Interconnection PWB Assembly 1A14A1 is wired into the wiring harness of Case
Assembly 1Al 4. Tube Socket Assembly 1A14A2, DC-DC Converter Assembly 1A14A3, Indicator
Assembly 1A14A4, Junction Block PWB Assembly 1A14A5, Harmonic Filter Assembly 1A15, the regula-
tor assembly, and the relay assembly are all wired directly into the wiring harness of Case Assembly 1A14.
ALC Module Assembly 1A7, Tank Circuit Module Assembly 1A8, Tune Detector Module Assembly 1A10,
RF Driver Module 1A11, Static Power Inverter Module 1A12, and High Voltage Module 1A13 are all plug-in
assemblies that mount directly into Case Assembly 1A14 and plug into jacks that are connected to the -
wiring harness of Case Assembly 1 A 14. Plate assembly 1A9 is a plug-in assembly that connects mechani-
cally to the plates of 1A14V1 and 1A14V2. It has three jacks that the high voltage, the tank circuit 1A8,
and the Ip sample are plugged into. It mounts directly into the case. Front panel connections facilitate RF
input ( 1A14J5) and control (1A14J2) from the receiver-transmitter, RF output (1A14J4) and control
(1A14J1) to the antenna coupler, and primary DC power (lA14J3) from the circuit breaker box. Figure
1-5 shows the interconnection of
the power amplifier components.
1-16. The power amplifier can be used in a fixed site configuration such as Radio Set AN/GRC-193,
power amplifier electronics compartment is water-tight and is submersible in fresh or salt water. The unit
is equipped with a pressure relief valve and can be operated at altitudes up to 10,000 feet.
1-18. If Power Amplifier AM-6545/GRC-l 93 has been received as part of a radio set (AN/GRC-l 93 or
AN/M RC- 138), the equipment supplied is as identified in figure 1-2. Otherwise, consult the applicable
procurement document and/or shipping list for the items supplied.
1-20. Table 1-2 lists the semiconductors used in the various assemblies of the power amplifier.