TM 11-6130-243-12-1
equipment should not prevent use of the equip-
2-1. Unpacking
c. If the equipment has been used or re-
a. Packaging Data. When packed for ship-
conditioned, see whether it has been changed
ment, the power supply is placed in protective
by a modification work order (MWO). If the
material and packed in a 51- by 31- by 30-inch
e q u i p m e n t has been modified, the MWO
wooden packing case. A typical wooden packing
number will appear on the front panel near the
nomenclature plate. Check to see that any oper-
The volume is 27.4 cubic feet, and the total
ational instruction changes resulting from the
weight is 450 pounds.
modification have been entered in the equip-
b. Removing Contents.
ment manual.
(1) Cut and remove the metal straps (14).
Note. Current MWO's applicable to the equipment
(2) Remove the nails that secure the sides
are listed in DA Pam 310-7.
of the wooden packing case (13) to
2-3. Input Power Connections
the mount base (2).
(3) Lift the wooden packing off the base.
Before connecting the power supply to a
(4) R e m o v e the packing material (7
power source, remove the top cover from the
through 11) and the nuts (4), bolts
power supply to gain access to the terminals of
the mount base (2) to the power
breakers CB1, CB2, and CB3.
supply (1).
a. 220-Volt, Three-Phase, 60 Cps Input
(5) Stow all loose material in the wooden
Power Connection (fig. 2-2).
packing case.
(6) Using the handle and the wheels,
wheel the power supply to the area
where it is to be used.
2-2. Checking Unpacked Equipment
a. Inspect the equipment for damage in-
curred during shipment. If the equipment has
cuit breakers CB1, CB2, and CB3,
been damaged, report the damage on DD Form
connect tagged lead 7 to terminal B
6 (para 1-3).
of CB1, tagged lead 8 to terminal B
b. Check to see that the equipment is com-
of CB2, and tagged lead 9 to terminal
plete as listed on the packing slip. If a packing
B of CB3.
slip is not available, check the equipment
b. 440-Volt, Three-Phase,
6 0 - C p s Input
against the basic issue items list (app B).
Power Connection (fig. 2-3).
Report all discrepancies in accordance with TM
38-750. Shortage of a minor assembly or part
terminal jumpers that are supplied,
that does not affect proper functioning of the