TM 11-6130-243-12-1
Figure 2-3. Connections on power tranformer terminals and circuit breakers for
440-volt ac input power for power Supply PP-4606A/G.
2 - 4 . Controls and Indicators
b. Set the INPUT POWER circuit breaker
2-5. Operating Procedure
switch to ON and the equipment to be powered
to on.
c. Check to see that the VOLTAGE meter
indicates between 26 and 30 volts.
ceed as described in a through d b e l o w .
d. Depress the PUSH TO INDICATE switch,
and check to see that the CURRENT mater indi-
a. Connect the dc output cable to the equip-
cates output current (200 amperes m a x i m u m ) .
ment to be powered.