TM 11-6130-243-35
to POWER ON. The TS-352B/U should in-
4-4. Insulation Resistance Test
dicate within 9 percent of the reading obtained
The depot overhaul standards insulation
in b above. The TV-100 should indicate 200
those for general support (para 3-5). Equip-
switch on the PP-4606/G. Indication on the
ment that meets the performance standards
should be within 5 percent of the current
reading obtained on the TV-100.
of new equipment.
e. The ME-30(*)/U should indicate less
4-5. Output Power Test at
440-Volt Input
than 1.3 volts.
The depot overhaul standards output power
test procedures at 440-volt input are the same
as those for general support (para 3-6).
dicate less than 7,400 watts total.
Equipment that meets the
g. Set the circuit breaker switch on the PP-
nish satisfactory output power at 440-volt in-
4606/G to OFF and disconnect the equip-
put equivalent to that of new equipment.