TM 11-6130-247-14-1
The programing resistors should be low-
temperature, coefficient wire-wound re-
sistors, or should be maintained at a
constant ambient temperature.
d. Connect the resistors to an external pro-
e. Be sure that terminal board links are con-
Figure 2-4. Power Supply PP-3940A/G, programing
external programing switch across terminals 7
and 9.
Never operate the power supply unless
Never operate the newer supply unless
a terminal board link is connected be-
a terminal board link is connected be-
is connected across terminals 7 and 9.
is connected across terminals 1 and 3.
f . Connect power supply to the load.
f. Connect power supply to the load.
g. Set newer supply POWER switch to ON.
g. Set power supply POWER switch to ON
Adjust front panel VOLT ADJ coarse and fine
Adjust front panel CUR ADJ coarse and fine
controls fully clockwise.
controls fully clockwise.
The front panel VOLT ADJ controls
The front panel CUR ADJ controls are
are inoperative during voltage program-
inoperative during voltage programing.
h. Be sure that resistors are removed and ter-
h. Be sure that resistors are removed and ter-
minal board link are reconnected when current
minal board links are reconnected when voltage
programing is no longer required.
programing is no longer required.
2-11. Power Supply Setup Procedures for Re-
mote Sensing at Load
2-10. Power Supply Setup Procedures for Cur-
rent Programing
Remote sensing is used to regulate the output
voltage at the load rather than at the output
Current programing is used when the operator.
terminals of the power supply. To set up the
wishes to switch from one set output constant
power supply for remote sensing, proceed as fol-
current to another, without returning to the
power supply each time. To set up the power
supply for current programing, proceed as fol-
a. Turn front panel VOLT ADJ and CUR
lows :
ADJ coarse and fine controls fully counterclock-
wise and set POWER switch S1 to off.
a. Turn front panel VOLT ADJ and CUR
b. Be sure that terminal board links are con-
ADJ coarse and fine controls fully counterclock-
wise and set POWER switch S1 to off.
c. Connect separate leads from terminals 3
b. Determine the value of current to be used;
(+SENSE lead) and 4 (+OUT lead) to the
for example, current levels of 2.5 amperes dc,
positive side of the load, and separate leads from
1 ampere dc, and 0.5 ampere dc.
terminals 5 (OUT lead) and 6 (SENSE
c. Multiply the value of each current to be
used by 50. This will give the value of the resistor
that must be placed across terminal board CUR
The leads (25 feet maximum) from ter-
PROG terminals (7 and 0.) For example, from
minals 4 and 5 must be capable of hand-
b above, 2.5 x 50 = 125 ohms; 1 x 50 = 50 ohms;
ling 4 amperes of current flow. The
0.5 x 50 = 25 ohms.