sensing terminals and the front out-
put terminals.
voltage adjustment from zero to the
b. When taking power from the rear output
rated dc output.
(2) A fine dc voltage control knob allows
(1) The sensing leads must be open at
for more minute adjustment of the
output voltage.
the front panel.
(2) There must be jumpers (tightly se-
cured) connecting the rear remote
2-8. Fuses and Protective Devices
sensing terminals and the rear out-
a. Ac protective fuse F1 protects the inter-
put terminals.
trol) and other components from damage due
to internal short circuits. This fuse, under
Note: Voltage drop in remote sensing leads must be
most circumstances, never needs replacing.
less than 0.40 volt for proper operation.
b. Dc output overcurrent protective fuse F2
a. There must be
no links or
jumpers con-
protects the instrument against short cir-
necting remote sensing terminals and output
terminals front or rear.
Caution: Always replace fuses with, an ex-
b. Connect load wires to either the front or
actly rated duplicate. An oversize fuse may
rear output terminals.
cause breakdown of components.
c. If load wires are attached to the front
output terminals, connect two sensing leads
from the front remote sensing terminals di-
For specified regulation accuracy, load wires
rectly to the load. If load wires are attached
and sensing leads both must be connected ei-
to the rear remote sensing terminals directly
ther at the front panel or at the rear output
to the load.
Note: Load connections and sensing leads must al-
ways be attached at the same position, that is, all four
a. When taking power from the front panel
wires at the front panel or all four wires at the rear
terminals. Unless this is done, poor regulation will
(1) There must not be any links or jump-
ers between the rear remote sensing
Caution: Make sure that sensing link and
terminals and the rear output ter-
sensing lead connections are kept tightly se-
cured at all times of operation of the power
supply. This condition protects transistors in
(2) There must be links (tightly se-
cured) connecting the front remote
the amplifier.