Connections for final testing.
Regulated Reference Supply Test
extremely counterclockwise.
Connect the equipment and set the controls
f. Turn the POWER switch to ON.
pilot lamp should light.
a. Set up the dc voltmeter as a conventional
g. Adjust potentiometer R44 (located on
vtvm. Refer to paragraphs 11 and 12, TM 11-
6625-438-10. Set the input range switch to 50
dc voltmeter reads between 6.0 to 6.1 volts dc.
volts (VOLTS RANGE switch).
h. Observe the indication on the ac voltme-
b. Set up the ac voltmeter as described in
ter. The maximum allowable ripple should be
Set the
paragraph 14, TM 11-6625-320-12.
50 microvolts (measured at the low end of the
VOLTS-DB range switch to the 0.001-volt
meter scale).
range for this test.
i. Rotate the variac to provide a variation
Be careful to shield the meter test leads to
in the ac input voltage from 105 to 125 volts
prevent stray pickup from circuits adjacent to the hot
c. Connect the dc voltmeter and the ac volt-
meter across the output terminals of the test variac
meter test leads across capacitor C16 as shown
to perform the procedures above.
j. Note the voltage reading on the dc volt-
and 7-3 for the schematic location of the test
meter as the variac is turned. The voltage
should vary not more than 1 millivolt dc from
d. Rotate the COARSE ADJ. control on the
its original value which was meassured in g
front panel of the power supp]y extremely
k. The ripple voltage measured on the ac
N o t e : The shafts of T1 and control resistor R30
are ganged by the adjustable coupling (fig, 5-1) Dur-
ing this procedure, the shaft coupling must be secured
against slipage.