TM 11-6130-266-15
To adjust A5R9, proceed as follows:
(7) Connect the positive lead of TS-352B/U to
(1) Set the 230V-115V selector switch to
the negative terminal (-) of A8C6.
(8) Adjust A5R9 until TS-352B/U indicates 2.0
(2) Connect 103.5 volts ac, 60 Hz power to
AC INPUT receptacle J3 using the ac power cord and
e. DC OUTPUT ADJ Potentiometer R3. To adjust
R3, proceed as follows:
(3) Set the AC circuit breaker to ON. The AC
and NORM indicator lamps light.
(1) Perform the procedures give n in (1)
through (4) above.
(4) Set the DC circuit breaker to ON.
(2) With no load connected, rotate DC
(5) Set the PP-6224/U for 25 amperes output
OUTPUT ADJ potentiometer R3 until the OUTPUT
current at 32 volts output voltage.
METER indicates 25.5 volts. Lock R3 at this setting.
(6) Connect the negative lead of TS-352B/U
to the negative terminal (-) of A8C5.
5-10 Change 3