ARMY TM 5-6115-633-14&P
Remove 16 screws (1), 16 Iockwashers (2) and 16 flat washers (3) securing cover (4)
to switch box (5) and take cover off switch box.
Tag switch terminals for identification when removing wires. If identification
bands on wires are illegible, tag wires.
Remove screw (6), nut (7) and star washer (8) attaching each of three wires (9)
(black, red and blue) to its respective switch terminal (10). Take off wires.
Remove nut (11) and flat washer (12) from load terminal L0 (13) inside switch box
(5). Take off white wire (14) associated with power cable being removed.
On 5-wire switch box only, repeat step (d) for ground terminal E1 and green wire (15).
Loosen power cable clamping nut (16) on outside of switch box (5) and pull cable
through cable clamp and out of box.
(2) Installation.
Feed cable through cable clamping nut (16) and through hole into switch box (5).
Tighten clamping nut (16) on outside of switch box (5) to prevent cable from moving.
Slide terminal of white wire (14) onto load terminal L0 (13) and secure with flat washer
(12) and nut (11).
On 5-wire switch box only, repeat step (c) for ground terminal E1 and green wire (15).
Observe identification tags when installing wires.
Position each of three wires (9) (black, red and blue) against underside of its
respective switch terminal (10). Insert screw (6) up through wire terminal and switch
terminal. Install star washer (8) and nut (7) on screw and tighten against switch
terminal. Where an indicator light wire is also mounted to the switch terminal, the
indicator light wire shall be positioned against the underside of the switch terminal and
the power cable wire shall be positioned against the indicator light wire.
Position cover (4) on switch box (5) and secure with 16 screws (1), 6 Iockwashers (2)
and 16 flat washers (3).
Connect power cable to load terminals on generator set. (Refer to TM 5-6115-585-12.)
e. Ground Wire Replacement (5-Wire Switch Box). (See figure 4-14.) In
the 5-wire switch box
only, a wire connects load terminal L0 to AC GROUND terminal E2 located on the side of the switch box
below the terminal board.
(1) R e m o v a l
(a) Remove 16 screws (1), 16 Iockwashers (2) and 16 flat washers (3) securing cover (4)
to switch box (5) and take cover off switch box.