discrepancy in the accuracy of the in-
by code, the special tools and test
strument being compared with the certi-
equipment (Section III), required to
fied standard.
perform the maintenance functions (Sec-
tion II).
G - Install. To setup for use in
an operational environment such as an
f. Remarks, Column 5. This column
emplacement, site, or vehicle.
is provided for referencing by code, the
remarks (Section IV) pertinent to the
H - Replace. To replace unservice-
maintenance functions.
able items with serviceable like items.
I - Repair. Those maintenance op-
erations,necessary to restore an item to
serviceable condition through correction
of material damage or a specific fail-
a. Reference Code. This
ure. Repair may be accomplished at each
consists of a number and a letter sep-
category of maintenance.
arated by a dash. The number references
the T and TE requirements column on the
J - Overhaul. Normally,
the high-
MAC. The letter represents the specific
est degree of maintenance performed by
maintenance function the item is to be
the Army in order to minimize time work
used with. The letter is representative
in process is consistent with quality
of columns A through K on the MAC.
and economy of operation.
It consists
of that maintenance necessary to restore
b. Maintenance Category. This col-
an item to completely serviceable con-
umn shows the lowest level of mainte-
dition as prescribed by maintenance Stan
nance authorized to use the special tool
dard in technical publications for each
or test equipment.
item of equipment.
Overhaul normally
does not return an item to like new,
c. Nomenclature. This column lists
zero mileage, or zero hour condition.
the name or identification of the tool
or test equipment.
K - Rebuild. The highest degree of
material maintenance.
It consists of
d. Tool Number. This column lists
restoring equipment as nearly as possi-
the manufacturer's code and part number,
ble to new conditions in accordance with
or National Stock Number of tools and
original manufacturing standards. Re-
test equipment.
build is performed only when required by
operational considerations or other
paramount factors and then only at the
depot maintenance category. Rebuild re-
duces to zero the hours or miles the
a. Reference Code. This
equipment, or component thereof, has
consists of two letters separated by
been in use.
dash, both of which are references to
Section II. The first letter references
d. Symbols. The
column 5 and the second letter refer-
placed in the appropriate column indi-
ences a maintenance function, column 3,
cates the lowest level at which that
A through K.
particular maintenance function is to be
b. Remarks. This column lists in-
formation pertinent to the maintenance
e. Tools and Equipment, Column 4.
function being performed, as indicated
This column is provided for referencing
on the MAC, Section II.