(d) Consolidated package. C o n s o l i -
ance with the appendix of the applicable box
date the items packaged as specified above
within a close-fitting fiberboard box conform-
(2) Level B. Power Supply PP-812/T
ing to PPP-B-636, type CF, class weather-
resistant. Fill all voids with paperboard con-
be packed as specified in a(1) above, except
forming to PPP-P-291, type III, to prevent
that the nailed wooden box shall conform
movement. Box closure shall be as specified
to PPP-B-621, class 1 or PPP-B-601 class
in the appendix of the box specification.
(e) Packaging development. Packag-
ing shall be developed in accordance with
shall be packed in shipping containers to
method IIb, employing kinds and types of
afford adequate protection against damage
materials which, when applied, will afford
to the package and its contents during ship-
adequate protection against corrosion dete-
ment from the supply source to the first re-
rioration and damage during worldwide ship-
Shipping containers shall
ceiving activity.
ment, handling and open storage: The outer
comply with the rules and regulations of the
container of a method IIb package shall con-
common carrier as applicable to the mode
form to the requirements of PPP-B-636, type
of transportation.
Closure shall
CF, class weather-resistant.
b. PP-962/U.
be in accordance with the appendix of the
box specification.
962/U packaged as specified in paragraph
(2) Level C. Each Power Supply PP-
l b, shall be packed in containers selected
962/U shall be preserved and packaged in
from table 1, based upon the most economical
a manner that will afford adequate protection
container required to provide minimum, ade-
quate protection for the packaged item for
during shipment from the supply source to
this packing level of protection.
the first receiving activity.
(a) Container waterproofing. W h e n
the containers being placed directly into
2. Packing. Packing shall be level A, B,
the shipping container are not waterproofed,
or C, as specified.
waterproofing shall be effected by use of an
a. PP-812/T.
individual wrap or a caseliner conforming to
(1) Level A.
prior to packing. Dunnage not inclosed within
(a) Each Power Supply PP-812/T pack-
the waterproof wrap or caseliner shall con-
sist of materials treated to resist water. Wraps
packed in close-fitting boxes conforming to
or caseliners may be omitted from fiberboard
PPP-B-621, class 2, or box cleated plywood
boxes provided all seams, corners and manu-
PPP-B-601 overseas type. Place the techn-
facturer's joint are waterproofed by sealing
ical literature, packaged as specified in para-
with tape, not less than 2 inches wide, con-
graph 1a(1)(d)1, on top of the packaged unit
forming to PPP-T-76. The tape shall be cen-
directly under the lid of the container.
tered over the seams and joints and shall
(b) Closure shall be in accordance with
extend over all corners and edges of the
the applicable container specification or ap-
box a minimum of 2 inches onto the adjacent
pendix thereto.
box panels. Tape shall be applied over the
( c ) Metal strapping, conforming to
lengthwise seams of the outer flaps closing
QQ-S-781, type 1, class B, shall be applied
the openings of the box and over the manu-
to wood and wood-cleated shipping containers
facturer's joint prior to tape being applied
in accordance with the requirements of the
to the edge seams of the box. The tape
applicable box specification or appendix
applied to the manufacturer's joint shall only
thereto. Fiberboard shipping containers shall
fully cover the joint and not be extended
be reinforced by pressure-sensitive filament
over the corners of the box onto the adjacent
tape banding, or nonmetallic strapping con-
panels .
forming to PPP-T-97, type IV, and PPP-S-
(b) Container closure. Closure shall be
760, type [1, respectively; selection of the
in accordance with the applicable container
material and application shall be in accord-