11. Contacts: defects as listed in MIL-
(2) Inspect all controls and switches for
proper operation and loose or missing hard-
12. Plating, painting, or MFP missing.
(3) Inspect all connectors, plugs, and
a dimensional de-
13. Dimensional
fect which directly affects interchangeability,
assembly, or operation.
(4) Inspect assembly for physical dam-
age, condition missing parts, foreign objects,
and finish.
(c) Minor.
(5) Inspect cabling and wiring for po-
tential short circuits, cuts, breaks, fraying,
2. Solderless connectors: defects as
(6) Inspect solder connections for miss-
listed in MIL-STD-252A.
ing solder, cold solder, insufficient solder,
defects as
3. Cabling and wiring:
excessive solder, and imp roper wrap.
listed in MIL-STD-252A.
(7) Inspect for illegible, incorrect, or miss-
4. Hardware:
defects as listed in
ing markings.
(8) Inspect for corrosion dirt, moisture,
5. Finish: defects as listed in MIL-
and fungus.
(9) Inspect all parts and hardware for
6. Marking: defects as listed in MIL-
damage and condition.
d. Test Requirements. Perform those tests
7. Parts: defects as listed in MIL-
that are specified for each power supply listed
in appendix B.
8. Contacts: defects as listed in MIL-
e. Defect Classification.
(1) Mechanical-visual.
(2) Electrical.
(a) Critical.
Refer to the definition of
Refer to the definition of
(a) Critical.
a critical defect.
a critical defect.
(b) Major.
(b) Major. Any electrical defect, other
1. Damage due to handling or storage
than critical, that does not meet the require-
(crushed, deformed, or broken).
ments specified for each item shall be con-
sidered a major defect.
(c) Minor. None. All electrical defects
shall be considered critical or major, as ap-
3. Solderless comectors: defects as
listed in MIL-STD-252A.
(3) Packaging and marking, major.
defects as
4. Cabling and wiring:
listed in MIL-STD-252A.
(a) Use of improper or defective ma-
defects as listed in
5. Hardware:
(b) Quantity in unit package not as
6. Foreign objects: defects as listed
in MIL-STD-252A.
(c) Incorrect packaging method ap-
7. Potential short circuits: defects
as listed in MIL-STD-252A.
defects as listed in MIL-
8. Finish:
(e) Cushioning or padding inadequate
for the protection of the barrier material from
9. Marking: defects as listed in MIL-
features of the item.
10. Parts: defects as listed in MIL-
ical and mechanical protection of the item.