Purchase order number,
Depot Inspection Standard
Date packaged or packed.
TB SIG 355-3
for Mositure and Fungus
3. Depot certification stamp and date.
Resistant Treatment.
Depot Inspection Standard
TB SIG 355-4
(b) A group of like items repaired or
for Balancing Rotating
rebuilt by the Maintenance Division in one
Parts and Assemblies.
production run.
TB 750-236
(2) Lot information. The items shall be
the Maintenance of Army
Each lot
assembled into identifiable lots.
Specific Standard for Power
REP 1318*
shall, as far as practicable, consist of units
supply PP-1243/U.
of product of a single type, grade, class,
Specific Standard for Power
REP 1388*
Supp]y PP-2234/U.
or rebuilt at the same time and stored under
Specific Standard for Power
REP 1438*
the same conditions.
supply PP-713/PRM.
(3) Lot size. The lot size is the total
DS, GS, and Depot Mainte-
nance Manual: Terminals
number of individual like items in the lot
Telegraph AN/TCC-4 and
that is to be inspected.
AN/TCC-20 (TO 31 W1-
b. Sampling Procedure.
Depot Maintenance Manual:
(1) Sample selection. Select samples of
Power Supply PP-962/U.
materiel in a way which will assure that each
(C) `I'M 11-6625-531-45
GS and Depot Maintenance
unit in the lot has an equal chance of being
selected Biased methods, such as selecting
Detector AN/AAM-12(U).
items from the same position in a container,
TM 11-6625-617-45
GS and Depot Maintenance
Manual Including Repair
pallets, or stacks; taking items all from one
Parts and Special Tool
location; or selecting items that appear de-
Lists: Power Supply
fective, will not be used.
(2) Sample size. Use table I of MIL-
STD-105D, General Inspection Level II, to
5. Other Directives.
obtain the sample size code letter, and table
II-A of MIL-STD-105D to obtain the sample
size using the storage quality levels shown
General Policies and Princi-
AR 795-17
in (3) below.
ples for Furnishing Army
(3) Storage quality levels (SQL).
Materiel on a Grant Aid
(a) Mechanical-visual inspection: crit
General Policies and Princi-
AR 795-204
ical SQL 1.0 percent; major SQL 2.5 percent;
ples for Furnishing Defense
minor SQL 10 percent.
Articles and Services on a
Sale or Loan Basis.
(b) Electrical: critical SQL l.0 percent;
major SQL 2.5 percent.
6. Inspection Criteria.
(c) Preservation packaging, packing,
a. Lot Criteria.
and marking: major SQL 4.0 percent; minor
SQL 10 percent.
(1) Lot definition. A lot is defined as
a group of like items from which a sample
(d) The acceptance or reject number
is to be drawn and inspected to determine
for the above SQL's shall be the same as
conformance with the acceptability criteria.
those shown for comparable acceptance qual-
The following are examples:
ity levels (AQL's) in table II-A of MIL-STD-
(a) A group of like items in storage
which were received in a shipment with the
c. Inspection Requirements. The following
following identical markings:
mechanical-visual inspections shall be per-
*These REP publications may be obtained from Com-
(1) Inspect case for physical damage,
U S. Army Electronics Command
manding General,
condition, and finish.
ATTN: AMSEL-ME-NMP-PS, Fort Monmouth, N.J. 07703.