high, 19 inches wide, and 15 inches deep
63 cps, or 230 volts
10% at 47 to 68 cps
and weighs 125 pounds. A hinged front panel
and a removable cover provide access to the
Phase ----------------- Single.
electrical components. The PP-4763A/GRC is
Current (full load) ---- 23 amperes (PP-4763/
provided with an interlock switch which open
the ac input power circuit when the cover is re-
23 amperes (PP-4763A/
moved. An input circuit breaker and indicator
GRC at 116 volt input).
are mounted on the front panel. A carrying
11.5 amperes (PP-4763A/
handle is mounted on each side of the metal
GRC at 280 volt input).
c a b i n e t . An output voltage adjustment is
Power output:
Variable from 27 to 20
mounted behind the front panel and can be
volts dc (28-volt opera-
reached by removing a plate on the outside of
the front panel. The PP-4763A/GRC is pro-
Current (full load)---------- 60 amperes, continuous
vided with movable links for converting the
Ripple voltage------------- 1.0% (root mean square).
equipment for use from a 116-volt ac power
Voltage regulation-------- 0.5%
Surrounding operating
source to a 230-volt ac power source. The links
temperature -------------- -4F o(-20C) to 131F
can be reached by removing the cover. The
(55 C).
sides of the cabinet are flanged on the bottom
and at the back for mounting purposes. Vent-
0 to 80 amperes
Output current meter,
ing is provided by air louvers on the bottom
type MR36W080DCAAR
0 to 60 volts
Output voltage meter,
and on the top cover of the cabinet An ac
type MR36W050DCVVR
Solid-state devices
Semiconductor device,
PP-4763A/GRC is supplied with an ac plug ab
tached to the cable, and the PP4763/GRC is
P P - 4 7 6 3 / G R C - - - - - - - 16 ea.
PP-4763A/GRC------ 24 ea.
supplied with a cable that has three terminal
4 ea.
lugs on each end. Output terminals (dc) with
Semiconductor device,
polarity plainly marked are located behind an
controlled rectifier --- 3 ea.
access plate at the rear panel for connecting
Rectifier, semiconductor
the output of the power supply to the equip-
P P - 4 7 6 3 / G R C - - - - - - - 2 ea.
ment being powered (cable not supplied). Also,
PP-4763A/GRC--------- None.
the PP-4763A/GRC is provided with a dc out
put receptacle at the rear panel which may be
1-6. Description of Power Supplies
used instead of the output terminals for con-
PP4763/GRC and PP4763A/GRC
necting to equipment being powered.
(fig. l-l)
b. Solid-State Devices. The power supplies
a. Phyiscal Description. The power supply is
are solid-state controlled devices. Automatic
a self-contained unit in a metal cabinet
and continuous regulation of voltage within
PP-4763/GRC is 13 inches high, 19
the limits specified under technical characteria-
inches wide, and 14 inches deep and weighs
120 pounds. PP-4763A/GRC is 13 inches
circuit built into printed card PC101.