2-2. Checking Unpacked Equipment
2-1. Unpacking
a. Inspect the equipment for damage that
a. Packaging Data. When packed for ship-
may have incurred during shipment. If the
ment, Power Supply PP-4763/GRC is packed
equipment has been damaged, refer to para-
in a 24 by 21 -by 17 -inch wooden box.
graph 1-3 for applicable forms and records.
The volume is 5.4 cubic feet, and the total
shipping weight is 193 pounds. The PP-4763A/
b. Check to see that the equipment is com-
GRC is packed in a 24 -by 22 -by 17-inch
plete as listed on the packing slip. If a packing
box. The volume is 5.5 cubic feet, and the total
slip is not available, check the equipment
shipping weight is 200 pounds. A typical
against the basic issue items list (appx B). Re-
wooden box and its contents are shown in
port all discrepancies in accordance with TM
33-750. The equipment should be placed in ser-
vice even though a minor assembly or part that
b. Removing Contents. Follow the procedure
does not affect proper functioning is missing.
outlined below when unpacking the equipment.
c. Check to see whether the equipment has
(1) Remove the nails that secure the ply-
been modified. If the equipment has been modi-
wood box to the wooden base. Lift the box free
fied, the MWO number will appear on the front
of the unit and the base.
panel, near the nomenclature plate. Also, check
to see whether all MWO'S current at the time
( 2 ) Remove the bolts that fasten the
the equipment is placed in use have been ap-
power supply to the base.
(3) Lift the power supply clear of the
Note. Current MWO's applicable to the equipment
are listed in DA PAM 810-7.
d. Check the latest issue of DA PAM 310-4
(4) Remove the fitted corrugated wrap-
to see whether you have the latest editions of
ping paper from the power supply.
all applicable maintenance literature.