Section Ill. OPERATION
a. Place the AC ON-OFF switch to ON and
2-5. Operating Controls and Indicators
read the output voltage as indicated on output
Control or Indicator
b. Remove the ADJUST access plate on the
S e r v e s dual function: ON-
AC ON-OFF switch
OFF switch for normal
( t w o - p o s i t i o n toggle).
c. With a screwdriver, turn the shaft of the
o p e r a t i o n , and protec-
t i v e circuit breaker if
dc voltage adjust control until the output volt-
o p e r a t i n g current load
age meter Ml indicates the desired output volt-
e x c e e d s safe current
d. Check output current meter M2 indica-
I n d i c a t e s power supply
Output current meter
o u t p u t current.
tion. Output current should not exceed 50 am-
I n d i c a t e s power supply dc
Output voltage meter
o u t p u t voltage.
e. Place the AC ON-OFF switch at OFF and
Permits varying output vol-
D c voltage adjust
replace the ADJUST access plate on the front
tage of power supply
from 27 to 29 volts.
2-6. Preliminary Operating Procedure
2-7. Operating Procedure
Caution: A continuous flow of air through
a. To operate the power supply, place the AC
the power supply is necessary during operation
ON-OFF switch at ON.
to prevent damage because of overheating. Do
b. Check the output voltage at intervals dur-
not obstruct the flow of air through the louvers
ing operation of the power supply. When nec-
on the underside or the top of the equipment.
essary, adjust the dc voltage adjust control to
If the fan fails to operate, do not continue
maintain the desired output voltage.
operation of the equipment.
2-8. Stopping Procedure
After performing the procedures given in par-
Place the AC ON-OFF switch at OFF.
agraph 2-4, proceed as follows: