(3) Fine sandpaper (supplied with Tool
4-1. Scope of Organizational Maintenance
Kit, Electronic Equipment TK-101/G).
a. This chapter contains instructions cover-
(4) Cotton swab sticks.
ing organizational maintenance for the power
supply. It includes instructions for performing
4-3. Organization Monthly Maintenance
preventive and periodic maintenance services
Perform the maintenance functions indicated
and repair functions to be accomplished by the
in the organizational monthly preventive main-
organizational repairman.
once each month. A month is defined as ap-
b. Organizational maintenance of the power
proximately 30 calendar days of 8 hour-per-
supply includes:
day operation. If the equipment is operation 16
(1) Preventive maintenance checks and
hours a day, the monthly preventive mainte-
nance checks and services should be performed
at 15-day intervals. Adjustment of the mainte-
nance interval must be made to compensate for
any unusual operating conditions. Equipment
4-2. Test Equipment, Tools, and Materials
maintained in a standby (ready for immediate
operation) condition must have monthly prev-
The test equipment, tools, and materials re-
entive maintenance checks and services per-
quired for organizational maintenance of the
formed on it. Equipment in limited storage
power supply are listed below.
(requires service before operation) does not re-
quire monthly preventive maintenance. The
daily and weekly periodic services constitute a
106 (TM 11-6625-208-12) .
part of the monthly preventive maintenance
b. Tool. Tool kit Electronic Equipment
checks and services and must be performed
TK-101/G (SM 11-4-5180-R13).
concurrently. All deficiencies or shortcomings
c. Materia1s.
should be recorded in accordance with the re-
quirements of TM 38-750. Perform all the
(1) Cleaning compound (Federal stock
checks and services listed in the monthly pre-
No. 7930-395-9542) .
ventive maintenance checks and services chart
(2) Cleaning cloth.
4-4. Organizational Monthly Preventive Maintenance Checks and Service Chart
1. Be careful when working on the 115- or 230-volt ac line connections. Serious injury or DEATH
may result from contact with these terminals.
2. Low-voltage, high-amperage current iS present at output connections and at connections in-
side the equipment. DO not touch connetions or remove cabinet cover until equipment is removed
from power source. Deenergize the power supply before performing any maintenance