TM 11-6125-261-30
d. To disassembly capacitor assembly A13, proceed as
chassis (14).
(1) Remove 6 screws (2) and 6 washers (8).
(4) Mark and disconnect the wires from transformer
(2) Mark and disconnect all the positive capacitor
T1 (31).
leads from the bottom board (4) and remove board.
(5) Remove 14 screws (30) and slide out inductor L1
(3) Mark and disconnect the negative capacitor leads
from the top board (1) and remove capacitors (3).
(4) Remove 6 screws (2) and separate the top board
The following procedures defines the removal
from the bracket (5).
of modules A21 (15), Al1 (16), A24 (25), A28
e. To disassemble inverter assembly A2, proceed as
(17), A27 (18), and A8 (19). If only one module
follows (Item numbers below refer to figure 3-5 sheets 1
is to be removed, refer to the illustration and
and 2 unless otherwise indicated):
remove only the hardward securing the module.
(1) Mark and disconnect wires from transformer T7
(33) and capacitor C34 (32).
(6) Remove 19 screws (12), nine screws (13), three
1. Board, top
2. Screw, mach, 4-40 x F
Nut, hex, 6-32
3. Capacitor
Washer, lock, no. 6
4. Board, bottom
Washer, nylon shoulder
Figure 3-4. Capacitor Assembly A13.