TM 11-6125-261-30
3-12. Assembly Instructions
When assembling capacitor assembly A13 ( 12,
a. To assemble the PP-7274D/A Static Power Inverter,
follow the disassembly instructions in reverse order. When
properly installed. Do not allow the washer to
making solder connections, use only approved solder
be cocked to one side. The washer insulates the
QQ571, part number Sn63-W-RA-P3. After a connection
+28 vdc from ground.
is made, brush on Hysol 22H (Electra Science Laboratories,
Inc., Pennsauken, NJ. 08110, FC52539 or equivalent) to
c. When assembling the inverter assembly A2 (8, fig.
3-2), follow the disassembly instructions in reverse order
b. When assembling the pulser assembly A1
(2, fig. 3-2)
using the following precautions.
follow the disassembly instructions in reverse order using
the following precautions.
Use a new insulator when installing transistor.
The plastic insulator is only .005 thick. Any
burrs or nicks on either the transistor or the
chassis will bite through the insulator. Both the
Use a new insulator when installing a transistor.
transistor and the chassis should be cleaned
The plastic insulator is only .005 thick. Any
thoroughly with an approved dry cleaning
burrs or nicks on either the transistor or the
chassis will bite through the insulator. Both the
solvent prior to installation. Remove any burrs
or nicks with a fine grit sand paper or emery
transistor and the chasses should be cleaned
thoroughly with an approved dry cleaning
solvent prior to installation. Remove any burrs
(1) Make sure that transistors Q17 through Q34 (2, fig.
or nicks with a fine grit sand paper or emery
3-5) are installed with nuts (10) and insulator (7). The
replacement insulator is precoated with a heat transfer
compound. To insure that the transistors are properly
(1) Make sure that transistors Q1 through Q15 (3, 4,
and 5, fig. 3-3) are installed with nuts (14) and proper
installed, perform the ohmmeter check described in para-
insulators (15 or 25). The replacement insulators are
graph 3-12b(l).
(2) When installing a resistor (4, fig. 3-5) on trans-
precoated with a heat transfer compound. To insure that
the transistors are properly installed, connect the positive
former T2, T3, or T4 (5) lightly coat the mounting surface
lead of an ohmmeter (set to the highest scale) to the case
of the resistor with epoxy C7 or equivalent.
(collector) of the transistor and the negative lead to the
d. When installing
regulator assembly A24 (25, fig. 3-5),
chassis (ground). The resistance should read 50 megohms
attach a two inch piece of Grom Strip (Part No. GSN-1,
or greater with the collector wiring disconnected.
ICO/RALLY, Palo Alto, CA, FA51705 or equivalent) to
(2) Before installing inductors L2 through L10 (2, fig.
the edge of bracket (9, fig. 3-9) to prevent harness chafing.
Lightly cost the mounting surface with epoxy C7 or
3-3), coat the bottom lightly with epoxy C-7 (J.S. Sevilzer
Assoc., Paramount CA, FC09011 or equivalent).
c. If during testing it is determined that an adjustment
3-13. General
must be made to bring the unit to acceptable standards, all
previous tests shall be repeated to be sure that no other test
a. The following test procedures shall be used to, insure
measurement has changed.
that the inverter is ready for operational use. To qualify as
d. PhysicalTest and Inspection of the Inverter.
operational, all performance standards shall be met.
(1). Test Equipment and Materials. Tool Kit Electronic
Failure of any one test will fail the unit and disqualify it for
Equipment TK-100/G.
field use.
(2). Test Connections and Conditions. None required.
b. Special attention to test equipment control settings
(3). Initial Test Equipment Settings. None required.
shall be made. Adherence to testing sequence is mandatory.
(4). Procedure. Test shall be performed in the order
Test equipment control settings and inverter measurements
can be used in subsequent tests.
PIN : 051414-001