TM 5-6115-423-25P
(5) Special Tools, Test and Support
Equipment-Section VI, is a list of
This manual lists repair parts required for
special tools, test and support equim-
the performance of organizational, direct sup-
ent authorized for the performance
port, general support, and depot maintenance
of maintenance at the direct support,
of the Load Bank.
general support, and depot level. "Not
(6) Federal Stock Number and Reference
a. The repair parts list is arranged as fol-
of Federal stock numbers followed by
(1) Individual parts and major assem-
reference numbers, appearing in all
blies are listed alphabetically by item
the listings, in ascending alphanumer-
ic sequence cross-referenced to index
name within the numbered functional
(2) Assembly components and subassem-
blies are indented and listed alpha-
3. Explanation of Columns
betically by item name under major
The following provides an explanation of
b. This Repair Parts and Special Tools List
through VI.
is divided into the following sections:
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability
(1) Prescribed Load Allowance (PLA)-
Codes (SMR).
section II, is consolidated listing of
(1) Source Code. Indicates the selection
repair parts quantitatively allocated
status and source for the listed item.
for initial stockage at the organiza-
Source codes used axe:
tional level. This is a mandatory min-
imum stockage allowance.
Applied to repair parts which are stocked
(2) Special Tools, Test and Support
in or supplied from DSA/GSA or Army
Equipment-Section III, is a list of
supply system, and authorized for use
special tools, test and support equip-
at indicated maintenance categories.
ment authorized for the performance
Applied to repair parts which are not pro-
of maintenance at the organizational
cured or stocked but are to be manu-
level. "Not applicable".
factured at indicated maintenance cate-
A Applied to assemblies which are not pro-
of repair parts authorized for the per-
cured or stocked as such but made
formance of maintenance at the or-
up of two or more units, each of which
ganizational level.
carry individual stock numbers and
descriptions and are procured and stocked
and can be assembled by units at indi-
repair parts authorized for the per-
cated maintenance categories.
formance of maintenance at the di-
Applied to parts and assemblies which
rect support, general support, and
are not procured or stocked, the mor-
depot level.