TM 55-1730-229-12
be performed quickly. While performing these
Remove cap from SYSTEM FILL port.
operations watch the OUTPUT PRESSURE
gauge. Read and understand the next two
(3) Remove fill extension tube from bracket in-
steps thoroughly before proceeding.
side hydraulic control panel access door.
(9) Press in on PUSH TO FILL valve and hold
(4) Remove protective caps from fill extension
while rapidly switching RESERVOIR selector valve from
tube and attach short section of extension tube to SYS-
TEM FILL port. Long section of extension tube should
gauge indication fluctuates excessively, immediately re-
point downward.
turn the RESERVOIR selector valve to the AGPU posi-
tion and then release the PUSH TO FILL valve. Then
(5) Attach a length of hose to the downward di-
close HIGH PRESSURE BLEED valve 1/8 turn. If OUT-
rected section of the extension tube. This hose must
PUT PRESSURE gauge indication is stable proceed to
reach to bottom of container (source of hydraulic fluid).
step (10).
(6) Establish hydraulic module operation (with-
(10) Hold PUSH TO FILL valve in while watch-
out output hose connections) by performing steps
ing the reservoir level gauge. When the reservoir is be-
of 2-7.a.(1) through (3) and 2-7.b.(2) through (18).
tween 3/4 and 7/8 full, set the RESERVOIR selector to
Set pressure to between 1,800 and 2,000 psi in step
AGPU and release the PUSH TO FILL valve.
Remove hose from fill extension tube.
(12) Disconnect fill extension tube. Cap and
The source of hydraulic fluid must not be per-
store fill extension tube.
mitted to run dry during this procedure. This will
(13) Install reservoir breather vent and SYS-
AGPU reservoir holds approximately 9 gallons,
TEM FILL port caps.
so the capacity of the fluid source must exceed
that amount.
Wipe up any fluid spillage.
(7) Place hose from extension tube into the con-
(15) Proceed with operations or secure the hy-
tainer holding the hydraulic fluid for reservoir filling.
draulic system by performing steps 2-7.b.(25) through
(8) Open HIGH PRESSURE BLEED valve 1/4
turn. This setting is critical. Opening this valve too much
e. Hydraulic Fluid Drain.
Remove cap from breather vent at top of
In the following steps the two operations must
be performed in the sequence stated and must