TM 55-1730-229-12
AC 320A0-OMM-000
TO 35C2-3-473-1
TM 1730-12/1
Load Valve Operation
(8) The dual manifold is provided
ule allowing for escape of heated air.
because some aircraft require two high
pressure and two return connections.
heat exchanger to allow cool fluid to
This need is satisfied by dual connec-
bypass the heat exchanger. This relief
tions on the manifold and the use of
valve is inside the heat exchanger and
lo-foot adapter hoses.
The dual mani-
not separately replaceable.
fold provides additional fill and drain
ports and valves.
Quick disconnects
(10) Attachments to the hydraulic
with check valves minimize fluid loss.
module reservoir permit filling and al-
low the system to vent.
When filling
(9) Return line components include
the system with hydraulic fluid (at
the RETURN BYPASS valve and heat exchan-
either the SYSTEM FILL, dual manifold
ger. The RETURN BYPASS valve (when set
FILL, or extra fill ports) the air in
to the OFF position) provides 65 psi of
the reservoir is allowed to escape
back-pressure to the aircraft. This is
through the overflow channel.
This is
required for proper servicing of certain
also true of excess hydraulic fluid in
In the BYPASS position, no
the reservoir. Air coming into the res-
back-pressure is provided.
The heat
ervoir (when hydraulic fluid level
exchanger cools the hydraulic fluid by
drops) passes through the filter drier.
transferring heat from the fluid to am-
This unit removes moisture and other
bient air.
The heat exchanger is lo-
cated at the back of the hydraulic mod-
enters the reservoir.