TM 11-6130-243-14-3
3-1. Scope of Maintenance
condition and in good operating condition. To assist
The maintenance duties assigned to operator and
operators in maintaining combat serviceability, the
organizational repair personnel of the equipment are
chart indicates what to check, how to check, and the
listed below together with a reference to the paragraphs
normal indications. The reference column lists the
covering the specific maintenance functions.
paragraphs or manuals that contain detailed repair or
a. Daily preventive maintenance checks and services
replacement procedures. If the defect cannot be
remedied by performing the corrective actions listed,
b. Weekly preventive maintenance checks and
higher category of maintenance or repair is required.
Records and reports of these checks and services must
c. Monthly preventive maintenance checks and
be made in accordance with the requirements set forth
in TM 38-750.
d. Quarterly preventive maintenance checks and
c. Routine Checks. Routine checks like cleaning,
dusting, washing, checking for frayed cables, stowing
checking for loose nuts and bolts are not listed as
preventive maintenance checks or services. They are
things that you should do anytime you see that they
must be done.
3-3. Preventive Maintenance Checks
3-2. Daily Preventive Maintenance
and Services Periods
Checks and Services Chart
Preventive maintenance checks and services of the
PP-4606C/G are required daily, (only if the equipment
Preventive maintenance is the systematic care, servicing,
is to be used that day), monthly, and quarterly.
and inspection of equipment to prevent the occurrence
a. Paragraph 3-4 specifies checks and services that
of trouble, to reduce downtime, and to assure that the
must be accomplished every day that the equipment is
equipment is serviceable.
used, and under the special conditions listed below:
a, Systematic Care. The procedures given in
(1) Before the equipment is taken on a mission.
(2) When the equipment is initially installed.
care and cleaning essential to proper unkeep and opera-
(3) When the equipment is reinstalled after
tion of the equipment.
removal for any reason.
b. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services.
(4) At least once a week if the equipment is main-
The preventive maintenance checks and services charts
tained in standby condition.
(para 3-4 through 3-7)
outline functions to be perform-
b. Paragraphs 3-5 and 3-6 specify additional checks
ed at specific intervals. These checks and services are to
and services that must be performed on a monthly and
maintain Army Electronic equipment in combat
quarterly basis, respectively.
serviceable condition; that is, in good general (physical)
3-4. Operator's Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Daily Schedule
Item to be Inspected
See that the equipment is complete.
Check the tightness of all connectors.
While making the operating checks (Items 5 through 8) observe that the mechanical action of each
Controls and Indicators
knob and switch is smooth and free of external or internal binding, and that there is no excessive
looseness. Also, check the meters for sticking or bent pointers.
See that the INPUT VOLTAGE switch is set for the proper input voltage. (para 2-3)
Connect the output plug to the socket. Turn circuit breaker "ON". Note that the PILOT LIGHT
Adjust OUTPUT VOLTAGE ADJUST switch in a clockwise direction. Reading on VOLTS meter
will increase at each step.
Hold AMMETER SWITCH in the ON position and adjust the OUTPUT VOLTAGE ADJUST
switch in a clockwise direction. Current reading on AMPS meter will increase at each step.
Change 2 3-1