TM 11-6130-243-35
configuration as shown in the simplified sche-
winding applies an ac voltage to a bridge rec-
tifier circuit consisting of four of the six
diodes CR1 through CR6. The middle sec-
associated with the bridge rectifier consisting
of diodes CR2, CR3, CR5, and CR6 as shown
in the simplified schematic diagram (B, fig.
1-4). Similarly, the
top secondary winding of
CR2, CR4, and CR5 while the bottom wind-
ing is associated with diodes CR1, CR3, CR4,
and CR6. The simplified schematic diagram
with the middle winding.
b. When the half-cycle of the ac voltage oc-
curs, making secondary winding terminal 9
positive with respect to terminal 10 (B, fig.
1-4), diodes CR3 and
CR5 become forward-
biased and diodes CR2 and CR6 become re-
verse-biased. Electrons flow from terminal 10
through diode CR3, resistors R1 and R2 diode
CR5, terminal 9, and to terminal 10. The cur-
schematic diagram.
rent pulse thus produced causes a dc voltage
of the polarity indicated on figure 1-4 to ap-
pear across resistors R1 and R2. During the
other half-cycle, diodes CR2 and CR6 become
connected across the output of the power sup-
forward-biased and diodes CR3 and CR5 be-
ply and monitors the output voltage. DIRECT
come reverse-biased. Electrons flow from ter-
CURRENT AMPERES meter M1 monitors
minal 9 through diode CR2, resistors R1 and
output current whenever spring-loaded AM-
R2, diode CR6, terminal 10, and to terminal 9.
This current pulse also causes a dc voltage
METER switch S1 is set to the READ (de-
of the same polarity to appear across resistors
pressed) position. With switch S1 de-
R1 and R2.
pressed, load current flowing through low-re-
sistance shunt resistor R3 produces a small
c. The dc voltage pulses appearing across
voltage drop which is proportional to the cur-
resistors R1 and R2 are applied to the choke-
rent. Although the scale of DIRECT CUR-
input filter consisting of inductor L1 and ca-
RENT AMPERES meter M1 is marked to in-
pacitors C1 and C2. The filter network
dicate amperes, the meter is actually a milli-
smoothes the ripple and assists in power sup-
ply regulation. AS a result, the output volt-
shunt R3. Resistor R4 is a calibrating resistor
age approaches the average value of voltage
for meter M1. When AMMETER switch S1 is
produced by the bridge rectifiers. Bleeder re-
released to the OFF position, the switch
sistors R1 and R2 also provide a discharge
creates a short circuit across R3, R4, and M1.
path for capacitors C1 and C2.