TM 11-6130-243-35
Warning: When servicing the power supply, be extremely careful of the high voltages.
exact nature of the fault. The op-
2-1. General Instructions
erator's daily preventive maintenance
Troubleshooting at the direct support,
services inspection chart (TM11-
general support, and depot maintenance cate-
6130-243-12) contains a good oper-
gories includes all the techniques outlined for
ational test.
organizational maintenance and any special or
additional techniques required to isolate a de-
(3) Troubleshooting chart. The trou-
bleshooting chart (para 2-4d) lists
troubleshooting chart to be used by the re-
symptoms of common troubles and
gives corrective measures (or refer-
ences). Such a chart cannot include
all trouble symptoms that may oc-
2-2. Organization of
cur; therefore, the repairman should
use this chart as a guide in analyzing
a. General. The first step in servicing a de-
symptoms that may not be listed.
fective power supply is to localize the fault,
which means tracing the fault to defective cir-
(4) Resistor and capacitor color code
cuit responsible for the abnormal indication.
diagrams. Color code diagrams for
The second step is to isolate the fault, which
means locating the defective part or parts.
and 4-3) provide pertinent resist-
Some defective parts, such as burned resis-
ance, voltage rating, and tolerance
located by sight, smell, and hearing. Most de-
fective parts, however, must be isolated by
2-3. Test Equipment Required
The following chart lists test equipment
b. L.ocalization and Isolation. The first step
required for troubleshooting Power Supply
in tracing trouble is to locate the circuit or
PP-4606/G and the associated technical man-
part at fault by the following methods:
(1) Visual inspection. The purpose of
visual inspection is to locate faults
Technical manual
Test equipment
without testing or measuring cir-
TM 11-5527
cuits. All meter indications or other
TM 11-5043-12
Analyzer ZM-3A/U ------
visual signs should be observed and
an attempt made to localize the fault
to a particular part.
(2) Operational test. Operational tests
c. General. The troubleshooting chart (d
frequently indicate the general loca-
below) outlines procedures for localizing
tion of trouble. In many instances,
troubles and for isolating troubles within
the test will help in determining the