TM 55-1730-229-12
AG 320A0-OMM-000
TO 35C2-3-473-1
TM 1730-12/1
Section III.
The cart and engine fuel system
must be purged by opening the fuel input line
to the combuster. Turn on A.C. power switch.
a. In addition to normal preventive
Put selector switch to start, motor engine over
maintenance service, special care in
until a minimum of 2 quarts of fuel is Col-
cleaning and lubrication must be ob-
lected from the fuel system output. Do not ex-
served where extremes of temperature,
ceed starter crank time.
humidity, and terrain conditions are
d. Fire.
Proper cleaning, lubrication,
and storage and handling of fuels and
(1) If fire starts inside AGPU,
eration and functioning of the AGPU.
immediately set control panel MASTER
These procedures will also prevent ex-
SWITCH to OFF (or press red EMERG STOP
cessive wear of working parts and de-
pushbutton switch on front of AGPU).
terioration of the AGPU performance.
(2) Do not immediately open engine
b. Refer to Lube Order 55-1730-229-
access door.
Insert nozzle of fire ex-
12 for lubrication under unusual condi-
tinguisher through round ENGINE PRE HEAT
ACCESS door (in center of engine access
tive maintenance checks and maintenance
door) and operate fire extinguisher.
procedures to be performed by the op-
(3) Once fire is extinguished,
open battery access door and disconnect
battery connector.
(4) Open all access doors and use
a . Automatic Shutdown. Built-in
fire extinguisher on hot spots if re-
protective circuits and sensors will
automatically shutdown the AGPU if de-
sign limits are exceeded, or if a sensor
fails. The AGPU cannot be restarted un-
til problem is corrected.
a. General. Continuous
of the AGPU may cause the engine exhaust
gas temperature (EGT) to reach upper
graph 2-13.b for emergency engine shut-
limit, thereby shuting down engine. The
down output. Avoid continuous use when-
Fuel. Diesel fuel MIL-G-5572 or VV-
ever possible.
Be alert for overheat-
F-800 may be used for emergency fuel. Do not
ing, and shutdown the AGPU for a cool-
use for more than 25 hours engine operation.
ing-off period whenever necessary and
After using diesel fuel for 25 hours the follow-
the tactical situation permits.
ing inspection will be accomplished:
b. Battery. In hot weather, check
Inspect the combustor can for cak-
level of electrolyte in cells daily and
ing or buildup of carbon. Clean with glass
replenish with pure distilled water.
beads or suitable abrasive.
The electrolyte should be 3/8 inch above
the battery plates.
If distilled water
Remove and inspect the fuel noz-
is not available, rain or drinking water
zle. If caked or heavily carbonized it should
may be used in an emergency.
Use of
be replaced.
water with a high mineral content will
damage the battery, causing premature
Both fuel filters (cart and engine)
must be replaced.