TM 55-1730-229-12
manuals and work card sets in the TO 35C23 series
for periodic requirements and table 3-2 for detailed
procedures. Marine Corps users should refer to current
a. To ensure that the AGPU is ready for operation
issue of TM 11275-15/1.
at all times, it must be inspected systematically so de-
fects may be discovered and corrected before they re-
sult in serious damage or failure. The necessary pre-
CHECKS AND SERVICES. Before (B), During (D),
ventive maintenance checks and services that are to be
and After (A), Preventive Maintenance Checks and Ser-
performed by Operator/Crew personnel are listed and
vices. Table 3-2 contains a tabulated listing of PMCS
thath shall be performed by the Operator/Crew.
b. Defects discovered during operation will be
For reporting the overall capability of the AGPU system,
noted for future correction, and reported to maintenance
use the following symbols. (FMC) Fully Mission Capa-
supervisor. Stop operation immediately if a deficiency
ble, (NMC) Non-Mission Capable, (NMCS) Non-Mission
is noted which would damage the equipment. All de-
Capable Supply, (NMCM) Non-Mission Capable Mainte-
ficiencies and short-comings will be recorded together
nance and (PMC) Partially Mission Capable, this symbol
with the corrective actions taken on the applicable form.
will be used if one or more of the sub-systems are NMC.
Air Force users shall refer to the applicable inspection