TM S-1730-229-12
AG 320A0-OMM-000
TO 35C2-3-473-1
TM 1730-12/1
(7) Remove rubber strip (13) from top of inverter
(3) Install in order on terminal screw (20),
lockwasher (21), wire (22). dc (+) cable (23), and
washer (24). Thread terminal screw (20) into shunt
(8) Lift inverter (14) from mounting tray (15).
R1 (25).
b. Install. (See figure 443.)
(4) Install dc negative (-) cable (28) and other
wires (larger wires first) on the AGPU ground stud
(1) Install rubber material on back of inverter
case (if not originally installed) to protect input power
(5) Install cushions (48) and cable clamps (47)
around dc cables. Secure clamps to compartment wall
(2) Set inverter (14) on mounting tray (15),
with washers (46) and screws (45).
centered between mounting studs (12).
(6) Install control panel.
(3) Place retaining bar (11) on mounting studs
(12). Place rubber strip (13) between retaining bar and
top of inverter.
mounting studs (12).
(5) Install wire (7) with red rubber cover (2) on
Remove all rings, watches and other
positive screw of terminal (8). Install lockwasher (4)
jewelry when performing maintenance
and nut (3) on screw of terminal. Slide rubber cover (2)
on this equipment.
up wire and install over terminal screw.
(6) Install wire (5) with black rubber cover (1) on
negative screw of terminal (6). Install lockwasher (4)
and nut (3) on screw of terminal. Slide rubber cover (1)
up wire and install over terminal screw.
(1) Disconnect battery.
(8) Close pneumatic access door.
(3) Pull rubber terminal covers (1 and 2, figure
c. Remove Inverter Output Fuse.
4-43) off screws of
terminals (6 and
8), and
(1) Disconnect battery.
covers down wires (5 and 7).
(4) Remove nut (3), lockwasher (4) and wire (5)
from negative terminal screw (6).
pressing in and turning counterclockwise.
(5) Remove nut (3). lockwasher (4) and wire (7)
from positive screw of terminal (8).
(4) Remove fuse (17) from fuse cap (16).
and retaining bar (11) from mounting studs (12).