TM 55-1730-229-12
AG 320A0-OMM-000
TO 35C2-3-473-1
TM 1730-12/1
No dents or
(6) for dents or cracks.
cracks are allowed.
(2) Tag starter assembly electri-
cal leads.
(3) Inspect brackets on ignition
unit for cracks and security of mount-
ing. No cracks are allowed.
(3) Disconnect two electrical
leads (13) from starter assembly (9) by
(12) for burned or damaged contacts, and
removing two nuts (16), lockwasher
worn or damaged threads.
(15), and flat washers (14).
No damage is
(4) Remove nuts (7) and washers
(5) Remove starter assembly and
(1) Disconnect electrical connec-
tor and igniter plug lead (1) from igni-
packing (10). Discard packing.
tion unit (6).
(6) Inspect sprag clutch for dam-
(2) Remove bolts (4,5) and igni-
age, and check for rough rotation in the
tion unit (6) from brackets on turbine
If rotation is
overrunning direction.
plenum assembly.
rough, or if the clutch is seized, it
Notify maintenance
must be replaced.
c. Install.
(1) Apply a light coat of high
temperature compound MIL-A-907 (Fel-Pro
C5-A) to threads of bolts (4,5).
(1) Install new packing (10) in
place on starter assembly (9).
brackets and secure with bolts (4,5).
Tighten bolts to a torque value of 50
(2) Apply a light coat of anti-
seize compound MIL-L-25681 (Liqui-Moly
NV) to the threads of nuts (7).
(3) Connect electrical connector
and igniter plug lead (1) to ignition
(3) Install starter assembly and
unit (6).
Tighten igniter plug connec-
secure with washers (8) and nuts (7).
tor to a torque value of 35 inch-pounds.
Tighten nuts to a torque value of 100
Lockwire igniter plug lead.
(4) Reconnect two electrical leads
(13) to starter assembly, using tags for
(5) Install two flat washers (14),
(step 3) for test.
a. Remove.