TM 55-1730-229-34
AG 320A0-MME-000
TO 35C2-3-473-2
TM 1730-34/1
Install front wheels in accor-
Position front springs (2) and
dance with paragraph 4-112, TM 55-1730-
hangers (13) under AGPU and install six
flat washers (8) and bolts (9) through
Install six
AGPU housing and hangers.
look nuts (7).
Remove Rear Spring Assembly.
(4) Position front axle (1) under
Raise axle until alignment
AGPU body.
pin on bottom of spring (2) engages
(1) Position AGPU on level sur-
face. Chock front wheels.
alignment hole on spacer (14).
(5) position upper plates (6) on
(2) Remove rear wheels in accor-
top of springs (2). Install four lock-
dance with paragraph 4-112, TM 55-1730-
washers (4) and nuts (3) on U-bolts (5).
Figure 10-16. Rear Axle Housing and Spring Assembly
Change 1