TM 11-6130-243-35-1
Warning: When servicing the power supply,
ture of the fault. The operator's daily
be extremely careful of the high voltages.
preventive maintenance services in-
s p e c t i o n chart (TM 11-6130-243-
12-1) contains a good operational
2-1. General Instructions
Troubleshooting at the direct support, gen-
(3) Troubleshooting chart. The trouble-
eral support, and depot maintenance categories
shooting chart (para 2-4d) lists
includes all the techniques outlined for organi-
symptoms of common troubles and
zational maintenance and any special or addi-
gives corrective measures (or refer-
tional techniques required to isolate a defective
ences). Such a chart cannot include
all trouble symptoms that may occur;
shooting chart to be used by the repairman.
therefore, the repairman should use
this chart as a guide in analyzing
2-2. Organization of
symptoms that may not be listed.
(4) Resistor and capacitor color code dia-
a. General. The first step in servicing a de-
grams. Color code diagrams for resis-
fective power supply is to localize the fault,
which means tracing the fault to defective
circuit responsible for the abnormal indica-
age rating, and tolerance information.
tion. The second step is to isolate the fault,
which means locating the defective part or
parts. Some defective parts, such as burned re-
2-3. Test Equipment Required
The following chart lists test equipment re-
located by sight, smell, and hearing. Most de-
quired for troubleshooting Power Supply PP-
fective parts, however, must be isolated by
4606A/G. Also listed are the associated tech-
nical manuals.
b. Localization and Isolation. The first step
in tracing trouble is to locate the circuit or
part at fault by the following methods:
(1) Visual inspection. The purpose of vis-
ual inspection is to locate faults with-
out testing or measuring circuits. All
meter indications or other visual signs
should be observed and an attempt
a. General. The troubleshooting chart (d be-
made to localize the fault to a particu-
low) outlines procedures for localizing troubles
lar part.
and for isolating troubles within the various
circuits of the power supply. Refer to figures
(2) Operational test. Operational tests fre-
2-1 and
2-2 for parts
location. Refer to the
quently indicate the general location
schematic diagram (fig. 1-1) to identify cir-
of trouble. In many instances, the test
cuit components. Depending on the nature of
will help in determining the exact na-