TM 11-6130-243-35-1
the operational symptoms, one or more of the
column and perform the corrective measure
localizing procedures will be necessary. When
given in the Corrective measures column.
trouble has been localized to a particular cir-
c. Conditions to Test. All checks outlined in
the troubleshooting chart are to be conducted
to isolate the trouble to a particular part.
with the power supply connected to a 220- or
b. Use of Chart. When an abnormal symp-
440-volt power source. The output cables should
tom is observed in the equipment, look for a
description of the symptom in the Symptom
be connected to a load.
d. Troubleshooting Chart.
2-5. General Parts Replacement Techniques
all parts. Connect replaced items according to
AH power supply parts can be reached and
replaced easily without special procedures. Re-