TM 116130243351
c. Procedure.
35. Insulation Resistance Test
(1) Connect the ZM-21A/U ground lead
a. Test Equipment. The only test equipment
to the PP-4606A/G frame.
(2) Connect the ZM-21A/U line lead to
b. Test Connections and Conditions. This
any terminal of the primary wind-
test is performed with the PP-4606A/G dis-
ings of T1, T2, and T3.
connected from the ac power source, and is
(3) Operate the ZM-21A/U and observe
t h e indication on the ZM-21A/U
meter. The PP-4606A/U meets the
T2, and T3. The test is written for the PP-
performance standard if the ZM-21
4606A/G connected for 220-volt ac operation.