Chapter 1. FUNCTIONING OF EQUIPMENT - TM-11-6130-243-35-10007Figure 1-1. Power Supply Schematic DiagramFigure 1-3. Connections to power transformers T1, T2, and T3 primary windings for 440-volt input, simplified schematic diagram.Monitor CircuitChapter 2. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-11-6130-243-35-10011Troubleshooting Chart. - TM-11-6130-243-35-10012Figure 2-1. Diode and Heat Sink AssemblyFigure 2-2. Power Supply PP-4606A/G, parts location.Chapter 3. GENERAL SUPPORT TESTING PROCEDURES - TM-11-6130-243-35-10015Power Output, Regulation, and Ripple Tests at 220-Volt Input Insulation Resistance TestFigure 31. Connection diagram for power output, regulation, and ripple tests at 220-volt input.Figure 32. Connection diagram for output power test at 440-volt input.Test Data Summary - TM-11-6130-243-35-10020chapter 4. DEPOT OVERHAUL STANDARDS - TM-11-6130-243-35-10021Figure 4-1. Connection diagram for power output, regulation, ripple, and efficiency at 220-volt input. - TM-11-6130-243-35-10022Figure 4-2. Color code marking for MIL STD resistors.Insulation Resistance Test - TM-11-6130-243-35-10024Figure 4-3. Color Code Marking for MIL-STD CapacitorsAppendix A. REFERENCES - TM-11-6130-243-35-10026TM-11-6130-243-35-1 Power Supply PP-4606A/G Manual