TM 55-1730-229-12
AG 32OAO-OMM-000
TO 35C2-3-473-1
TM 1730-12/1
(4) Remove battery charger cover
(2). Replace cover screw.
(1) Install slave receptacle (22)
and secure with four screws (21).
(5) Turn locking collar (3) coun-
(2) Install cables (17 and 19) to
terclockwise and remove harness con-
terminal screws (18 and 20).
nector P1 (4) from battery charger con-
cables with two washers (16), lock-
nector J1 (5).
washers (15) and nuts (14).
(6) Remove harness connector P2
(3) Install two rubber covers (13)
(6) from battery charger connector J2
on terminal screws (18 and 20).
(4) Close electrical tray access
(7) Hold battery charger (11) in
place and remove four screws (10).
(8) Move main harness cables (8)
and control panel harness cables (9) out
of way. Pull bottom of battery charger
back toward edge of compartment floor
Remove all rings, watches and other
and tilt top of charger forward against
jewelry when performing maintenance
on this equipment.
An 8 or 10 inch no. 2 magnetic
screw driver or screw starter is
required for battery charger
a. Inspect.
mounting screws.
(1) Disconnect battery.
(9) Tag and remove cables from
negative (17) and positive (19) termi-
(2) Remove battery charger access
nals of J4.
(10) Tag and remove cables from
(3) Inspect battery charger (11 ,
negative (23) and positive (21) termi-
nals of J3.
(11) Remove ground wire from case
(4) Check that connectors P1 (4)
ground terminal ( 27) .
and P2 (6) are securely attached to bat-
Tighten locking collars
tery charger.
(12) Remove battery charger (11)
from compartment.
to J4 terminals (17 and 19) and J3 ter-
minals (21 and 23) are tight.
nuts (12) if required.
(1) Check nutplates on bulkhead
If any of the four nutplates is
missing or damaged, notify supervisor.
(1) Disconnect battery.
(2) Set replacement battery char-
(2) Remove battery charger access
ger (11) on compartment floor with con-
Move all harnesses
nector J1 (5) up.
and cables from behind charger.
top of charger forward against panel.