TM 55-1730-229-12
AC 320A0-0MM-000
TO 35C2-3-473-1
TM 1730-12/1
(5) Gently rock battery from side
tive and negative terminals of battery
to side to release any trapped air. Add
If resis-
cable terminal adapter (1).
more electrolyte if necessary.
tance is less than 40K (with MASTER
switch off), check cables for shorts.
(6) Install vent plugs tightly
into cells.
(7) Remove any electrolyte spilled
on battery using a suitable neutralizing
agent (baking soda or equivalent).
Remove all rings, watches and other
jewelry when performing maintenance
Do not smoke around gassing bat-
on this equipment.
teries. Gas is highly explosive.
(8) Charge battery at a 3 amp rate
until all cells are gassing freely, then
reduce charging rate to 1.5 amps. At
this time, check specific gravity (see
5 and 6) for test.
step b) at one hour intervals.
specific gravity is between 1.285 and
1.295 for three successive readings,
battery is fully charged.
(1) Check that battery is discon-
(9) If electrolyte level needs to
be adjusted, add or remove electrolyte
(2) Remove two screws (9) and sep-
as required, and charge for one hour.
arate halves of terminal adapter (1).
(3) Remove nut (12) and washer
(13) from terminal screws (10) and (11)
(1) Make sure that all vent plugs
as required to disconnect cable to be
are tightly installed in top of battery.
(2) Check that vent adapters (9)
(4) If removing slave positive
and tubes (8) are securely attached to
cable (5) or negative cable (7):
battery vent ports.
(a) Open electrical trays access
(3) Set battery into battery com-
partment between guides (10) with bat-
tery terminal block (7) facing out.
(b) Pull rubber cover (18, fig-
ure 4-16) from slave receptacle positive
(4) Place cover (6) on battery.
terminal (22) or negative terminal (23)
(5) Secure battery cover (6) with
tie-down rods (4), washers (3), and wing
(c) Remove nut (19), lockwasher
nuts (2). Before tightening wing nuts,
(20), washer (21), and slave cable (5)
check that tie-down rods are vertical.
or (7).
(6) Route vent tubes (8) through
(5) If removing system positive
holes in floor of battery compartment.
cable (6):
(7) Connect battery cable terminal
(a) Lower control panel (para-
adapter (1) to battery terminal block