TM 55-1730-229-12
AG 320A0 -OMM-000
TO 35C2-3-473-1
TM 1730-12/1
Close all doors, secure handles
(5) Tiedown AGPU.
with tape, and attach four CGU-1/B tiedown
(a) Prepare eight MB-l tiedown
be through forklift guides and secure roof.
(b) Connect tiedown devices to
Secure all equipment inside the
AGPU tiedown brackets as shown in figure
unit with Type III nylon cord.
c. Preparation for Airlift - Ex-
ternal Air Transport (EAT). Prepare
Particular attention should be given
ACPU for EAT by UH-60, CH-47, and CH-54B
helicopters as follows :
preclude possible damage during
flight. If cover cannot be adequately
secured then it should be removed.
The load of 4,190 pounds is suitable
for UH-60 and CH-47 helicopters at
inch tape.
airspeeds of 110 knots and 90 knots,
respectively, for single-point hookup.
Dual-point hookup for CH-47D is
Ensure that fuel tank is not
suitable for airspeed of 100 knots.
more than three-fourths full. Inspect fuel
tank cap, oil filler caps, and battery caps for
proper installation and that they are secure.
Materials Required are as follows:
(f) Engage the parking brake and
disengage the clutch lever.
Sling set (10,000 pound capaci-
Rigging (verify lift rings are fully
and Chain, Multi-leg (15,000 pound capacity).
seated and secure) as follows:
Tiedown Assembly, CGU-l/B -
Route outer sling legs 1 and 2 to
4 each.
the rear of the AGPU.
Cord, Nylon, Type III - as re-
Route inner sling legs 3 and 4 to
the front of the AGPU.
(d) Tape, adhesive, pressure sen-
Loop the chain end of all sling
sitive, 2 inch wide roll - as required.
legs through their respective lift ring and
place link number 3 in the grabhook
Nylon, tubular - as required.
Cotton Webbing, 80-pound - as
Cluster and tie off all sling legs
with 80-pound cotton webbing or tape to pre-
vent fouling during hookup.
Additional apex fitting
assembly required for dual-point hookup.
Dual hook rigging procedures
are identical except that two apex clevis
Prepare AGPU for EAT by UH-
assemblies are used. Sling legs 1 and 2 on the
60, CH-47 and CH-54B helicopters as follows:
rear of the AGPU go to the rear apex fitting
assembly. Sling legs 3 and 4 on the front of the
(a) Stow and secure the tow bar
AGPU go to the front apex fitting assembly.
with l/2-inch tubular nylon.